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Full o’ Chocolates.

12 Nov

A few months ago, our friend went to Europe and brought back these chocolates from a place called Leonidis, which sells French Belgium chocolates!  IMHO (in my humble opinion) no one does chocolates better than Belgium!  They invented the pralines!  Sweet mother!  *drool* (I’ll explain pralines more below).

If you know me, then you know chocolates is my kryptonite.  Delicious milk chocolates make me weak in the knees. Cookies are another kryptonite of mine, but anyways, with this fun-uhohitstams fact established, I can go forth to explain to you how I was once again, defeated by chocolate.

These were absolutely A-Mazing!  Obviously, they would be since they’re from Belgium chocolatiers.  I normally don’t like dark chocolates because I favor the sweeter milk chocolates, but the dark chocolates from Leonidas was not as bitter and extremely smooth (like buttah).  But, the best chocolates out of that box were their pralines!  Pralines are pretty much Belgian chocolates with a chocolate shell and a soft chocolatey inside.  I probably liked it so much because the praline with hazelnut inside reminded me of Nutella, and boy….I have a crazy addiction to Nutella.  NO JOKE.

Anyway, you can order from them online or visit their store in New York.  Or you can plan a Euro trip and eat your way through all of the famous chocolate countries…..oh man.  That’s going on my bucket list.

So remember Leonidas = Hella good chocolates!  (disclaimer, eating these chocolates may make you break out in dance to this song).

Mama Likes Her Chocolate

21 Jun

My mom’s birthday was yesterday, happy birthday Mommy!  I always have a hard time getting a gift for her.  She’s pretty picky and already has everything she wants.  Oh, and she has expensive taste.  I wanted to get her something thoughtful and meaningful for her for her birthday since I wasn’t about to go out and spend hundreds of dollars that I don’t have to get her a silk Chanel scarf.  (yea ma, I know you’d like that too).

My mom really liked the salted caramel cookie cups that I posted last week, so I thought I would make her favorite food: chocolate! She absolutely loves chocolates.  When we were younger, she would tell my brother and I that chocolates were her medicine so we wouldn’t eat them.  I still had tons of caramel left from the salted caramel cookie cups and chocolate molds that I haven’t used in a while as well…it was the perfect fit and she loved them!  She said the chocolate was a bit too sweet, but the caramel was delicious!  She even said it was better than See’s candy (although I think she was just being nice).

This is how it was done….

You need….
1 bag of Wilton’s chocolate melts
Wilton’s Hearts cookie candy mold
soft caramel (recipe for caramel here)
What you gotta do…
Melt a whole bag of Wilton’s milk chocolate melts (it’s really called light cocoa but it’s pretty much milk chocolate) Note: there are instructions for melting the chocolates on the bag of the melts but be careful not to over-melt them or melt that at a high heat or else the chocolates will toughen up. 
Spoon some chocolate into the candy molds, just enough to cover the bottom of the mold and up the sides. 
Chill for about 15 minutes in the fridge so the chocolate would harden before you place the caramel in it.  
Pipe in some caramel and fill the rest of the mold with chocolate making sure you cover the caramel completely.  
Then I fridged it again until it was completely hard. 

This is how they came out…