
I really love to bake.  I mean a lot!  I mean, I really really really LOVE to bake.  Sometimes, I like to cook.  I view cooking as a thing necessary for my survival, though.  Baking, on the other hand, is like a guilty sweet and decadent pleasure.  I don’t have to bake and eat delicious milk chocolate chip cookies, banana cream pies, sweet custard mochi, and red velvet cake balls to survive, but in a way, my guilty pleasure has turned itself into a necessity, and so I DO.  I need my chocolates and my sweets, and my cakes and my pies.  *drool*  I’m getting hungry just thinking about all of this delicious goodness.

In addition to my penchant for pastries and baked goods, I also like a few other things: fashion, DIY projects, makeup, and books. I get too lazy to put together outfits and work on my style though.  I tend to wear the same boring combinations: jeans, tank, cardigan, crocs.  Yes, I wear crocs, they’re sooo super amazingly comfy.  Additionally, I like makeup but I’m too lazy to put it on everyday…

With the advancement of my late 20’s I said to myself “GIRL, you gotta stop being soo LAZY!”  Live life to the max, and maximize the use of what you have.  Stop limiting yourself and make an effort everyday, an effort to be a better person, an effort to look put-together.  Why spend money and keep crap around if you’re not going to use it and enjoy it!  So now, I’m trying making an effort to dress better, and I started wearing a little bit of makeup more often.  I got back into BodyRocking and working out too (and I’m going to try hard to stick with it).

….And that brings me to the start of this blog.  Tt drove me crazy how I was never able keep my recipe binder in order.  I made tabbies for entrees, desserts, and appetizers in an attempt to stay organized but for some reason I would find recipes floating around on countertops, taped to cupboards, or randomly tucked away at the bottom of my purse and I would lose little notes and modifications I wrote to myself for them.  So I said to myself again, “GIRL, stop being lazy and start organizing your recipes better!” and I thought, what better way to do that than to start a blog where I can access my recipes from anyplace that has interwebs.  My notes and mods will be written in the posts so I’ll never lose them and can always look back and remember, “oh, I baked Sean these cookies already, so I should make him a different batch this time round.” Or, “my dad really seemed to like that banana cream pie I made and shucks, father’s day is coming up, I think he’ll really love the pie!”

So here’s to not being lazy and LIVING LIFE TO THE MAX and maximizing your everydays with what you already got.  By the way, did I mention I LOVE baking?

One Response to “About”

  1. Adam September 11, 2012 at 10:07 pm #

    I’ve noticed you post a lot of great content about your life and interests in the Bay Area. I’m working for a new start-up called HeyLets and we’re trying to get people excited about doing what you do. We want our users to rediscover their city through mini-recommendations from people with similar interests and hopefully pay it forward. I was wondering, would you be interested in sharing some of your positive experiences in your community with us? We’d love to hear what you have to say and help you promote your blog.
    Drop me a line if you’re interested in more info: adam@heylets.com
    Thanks for your time and keep up the good work!

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